Monday, 26 March 2012

Die USA von A bis Z - Wissenswertes und kurioses - Mehr als 1300 Fakten zum Thema USA (German Edition)

Die USA von A bis Z - Wissenswertes und kurioses - Mehr als 1300 Fakten zum Thema USA (German Edition) Review

Die USA von A bis Z - Wissenswertes und kurioses - Mehr als 1300 Fakten zum Thema USA (German Edition) Overview

Finden Sie heraus was es über die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika Kurioses und Wissenswertes gibt.
Von A bis Z beschreibt dieses Buch Plätze, Personen, Bauwerke, historische Fakten, politische, gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Ereignisse, geographische Besonderheiten, Wahrzeichen, Erfindungen und vieles mehr. Reisen Sie durch den wilden Westen, lernen Sie neue Leute kennen und erfahren mehr über das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Auf über 500 Seiten (gedruckte Version) finden sie mehr als 1300 Stichworte mit entsprechenden Erklärungen oder Beschreibungen.
Das Buch ist gespickt mit faszinierenden Fakten über berühmte Sportler, Musiker, Schauspieler, Schriftsteller, Bürgerrechtler, Kriegshelden, Indianerhäuptlingen, Revolverhelden, Entdeckern und Wissenschaftlern. Ebenso finden Sie zahllose Informationen zu Land und Leuten, Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Geographie und den einzelnen Staaten.
Alles was Sie schon immer über Amerika wissen wollten. Zusammengestellt in einer informativen als auch humorvollen Art.
Es ist kein Lehrbuch über Geschichte, kein Sport Almanach oder Reiseführer, kein Geschichtsbuch und keine Kuriositätensammlung. Es ist alles zusammen und doch auch nichts davon. In erster Linie ist es ein Buch zur Unterhaltung mit Fakten, Tatsachen und humorvollen Geschichten.

hier nur einige Stichworte :
A&P, AAA, Aaron, Abbott, Abolitionisten, Acronym, Adams, Addams Family, Adirondacks, Adlerfedern, AirForce One, Airwick, Alabama, Alamo, Alaska, Albany, Albuquerque, Aleuten, Alcatraz, Alger, Ali, Alkoholverbot, Allen, Allison, Alma, Aloha, Aluminium, Amarillo, Ames, Amish, Anardako, Anasazi, Anchorage, Andy Griffith, Animal Crackers, Annapolis, Anson, Antebellum , Antelope, Apachen, Apollo, Appalachen, Apple pie, Arboretum, Arcadia, Area 51, Arizona, Arkansas, Arlington, Armstrong, Arnold, Art Deco, Arthur, Ashe, Aspen, Astaire, Astor , Astrodome, Atlanta, Atlantic City, Atlas, Audubon, Augusta, Austin, Bacall, Backwoodsmen, Badekleidung, Badger, Badlands, Balanchine, Bald Eagle, Baltimore, Barbecue, Barbie, Barca Lounger, Barringer Crater, Barnum, Barton, Baseball, Basketball, Baton Rouge, Twirling, Baumwollkapselkäfer, Bean, Beaver, Beehive, Belafonte, Benny, Berle, Bernstein, Beton, Betty Boop, Beverley Hills, Bible Belt, Bier, Big Apple, Big Sur, Bigfoot, Billy the Kid, Biltmore, Bingo, Biscayne, Bismarck, Bison, Bixby, Blackwell, BLT, Blue Jeans, Bluegrass, Blue Ridge, Bodie, Boeing, Bogart, Boise, Bonanza, Bonneville, Boone, Booth, Bootleggers, Borglum, Boston, Boulder, Bouvier, Bowling, Boy Scouts, Boyd, Bradford, Brando, Breedlove, Broadway, Bronx, Brooklyn, Brown, Bubble Gum, Buchanan, Buckeye, Buckingham, Buffalo Bill, Bugs Bunny, Bull Run, Bumerang, Bunker Hill, Buren, Burlington, Burns, Bush, Butte, Butterfly, Cable Car, Caboto, Cadillac Ranch, Calamity, Calico, California, Cambridge, Camp, Canopy, Canaveral, Capitol, Capone, Capote, Carlsbad, Carnegie, Carpetbagger, Carrier, Carson City, Kit Carson, Carter,Cartier, Cartwright, Carver, Cascade , Cassavetes, Butch Cassidy, Catlin, Census, Centennial, Central Pacific, Central Park, Cereals, Chahta, Champlain, Chan, Chaplin, Charles, Charleston, Charlotte, Cheerleader, Cheeseburger, Chelly, Cherokee, Chesapeake, Cheyenne, Chicago, Chickasaw, Chief Joseph, China Town, Chisholm, Chloride, Choctaw, Chrysler, CIA, Cincinnati, Citrus, Civil War, Clark, Cleveland, Cliff Palace, Clinton, CNN, Coburn, Coca Cola, Cochise, Cody, Coit, Cole, Colorado, Columbia, Columbus, Comanche, Comics, Concorde, Conestoga, Coney Island, Confederate, Connecticut, Connolly, Constitution, Cook, Coolidge, Cooper, Corbett, Cornhusker, Cosby, Costello , Cotton, Cowboy, Cracker Jack, Crazy Horse, Creek, Creole, Crimson, Croatoan, Crosby, Crow, CSA, Curtis, Custer, Dali, Dallas, Dalton, Dangerfield, Dare, Davis, Daytona, DeNiro, Deadwood, Dean, Death Valley, Decker, Declaration of Independence, Deere, Delaware, Denver, Des Moines, Deseret, Devil‘s Tower, Didrikson, Dikinson usw.

Die USA von A bis Z - Wissenswertes und kurioses - Mehr als 1300 Fakten zum Thema USA (German Edition) Specifications

Finden Sie heraus was es über die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika Kurioses und Wissenswertes gibt.
Von A bis Z beschreibt dieses Buch Plätze, Personen, Bauwerke, historische Fakten, politische, gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Ereignisse, geographische Besonderheiten, Wahrzeichen, Erfindungen und vieles mehr. Reisen Sie durch den wilden Westen, lernen Sie neue Leute kennen und erfahren mehr über das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Auf über 500 Seiten (gedruckte Version) finden sie mehr als 1300 Stichworte mit entsprechenden Erklärungen oder Beschreibungen.
Das Buch ist gespickt mit faszinierenden Fakten über berühmte Sportler, Musiker, Schauspieler, Schriftsteller, Bürgerrechtler, Kriegshelden, Indianerhäuptlingen, Revolverhelden, Entdeckern und Wissenschaftlern. Ebenso finden Sie zahllose Informationen zu Land und Leuten, Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Geographie und den einzelnen Staaten.
Alles was Sie schon immer über Amerika wissen wollten. Zusammengestellt in einer informativen als auch humorvollen Art.
Es ist kein Lehrbuch über Geschichte, kein Sport Almanach oder Reiseführer, kein Geschichtsbuch und keine Kuriositätensammlung. Es ist alles zusammen und doch auch nichts davon. In erster Linie ist es ein Buch zur Unterhaltung mit Fakten, Tatsachen und humorvollen Geschichten.

hier nur einige Stichworte :
A&P, AAA, Aaron, Abbott, Abolitionisten, Acronym, Adams, Addams Family, Adirondacks, Adlerfedern, AirForce One, Airwick, Alabama, Alamo, Alaska, Albany, Albuquerque, Aleuten, Alcatraz, Alger, Ali, Alkoholverbot, Allen, Allison, Alma, Aloha, Aluminium, Amarillo, Ames, Amish, Anardako, Anasazi, Anchorage, Andy Griffith, Animal Crackers, Annapolis, Anson, Antebellum , Antelope, Apachen, Apollo, Appalachen, Apple pie, Arboretum, Arcadia, Area 51, Arizona, Arkansas, Arlington, Armstrong, Arnold, Art Deco, Arthur, Ashe, Aspen, Astaire, Astor , Astrodome, Atlanta, Atlantic City, Atlas, Audubon, Augusta, Austin, Bacall, Backwoodsmen, Badekleidung, Badger, Badlands, Balanchine, Bald Eagle, Baltimore, Barbecue, Barbie, Barca Lounger, Barringer Crater, Barnum, Barton, Baseball, Basketball, Baton Rouge, Twirling, Baumwollkapselkäfer, Bean, Beaver, Beehive, Belafonte, Benny, Berle, Bernstein, Beton, Betty Boop, Beverley Hills, Bible Belt, Bier, Big Apple, Big Sur, Bigfoot, Billy the Kid, Biltmore, Bingo, Biscayne, Bismarck, Bison, Bixby, Blackwell, BLT, Blue Jeans, Bluegrass, Blue Ridge, Bodie, Boeing, Bogart, Boise, Bonanza, Bonneville, Boone, Booth, Bootleggers, Borglum, Boston, Boulder, Bouvier, Bowling, Boy Scouts, Boyd, Bradford, Brando, Breedlove, Broadway, Bronx, Brooklyn, Brown, Bubble Gum, Buchanan, Buckeye, Buckingham, Buffalo Bill, Bugs Bunny, Bull Run, Bumerang, Bunker Hill, Buren, Burlington, Burns, Bush, Butte, Butterfly, Cable Car, Caboto, Cadillac Ranch, Calamity, Calico, California, Cambridge, Camp, Canopy, Canaveral, Capitol, Capone, Capote, Carlsbad, Carnegie, Carpetbagger, Carrier, Carson City, Kit Carson, Carter,Cartier, Cartwright, Carver, Cascade , Cassavetes, Butch Cassidy, Catlin, Census, Centennial, Central Pacific, Central Park, Cereals, Chahta, Champlain, Chan, Chaplin, Charles, Charleston, Charlotte, Cheerleader, Cheeseburger, Chelly, Cherokee, Chesapeake, Cheyenne, Chicago, Chickasaw, Chief Joseph, China Town, Chisholm, Chloride, Choctaw, Chrysler, CIA, Cincinnati, Citrus, Civil War, Clark, Cleveland, Cliff Palace, Clinton, CNN, Coburn, Coca Cola, Cochise, Cody, Coit, Cole, Colorado, Columbia, Columbus, Comanche, Comics, Concorde, Conestoga, Coney Island, Confederate, Connecticut, Connolly, Constitution, Cook, Coolidge, Cooper, Corbett, Cornhusker, Cosby, Costello , Cotton, Cowboy, Cracker Jack, Crazy Horse, Creek, Creole, Crimson, Croatoan, Crosby, Crow, CSA, Curtis, Custer, Dali, Dallas, Dalton, Dangerfield, Dare, Davis, Daytona, DeNiro, Deadwood, Dean, Death Valley, Decker, Declaration of Independence, Deere, Delaware, Denver, Des Moines, Deseret, Devil‘s Tower, Didrikson, Dikinson usw.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 26, 2012 08:33:13

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Thursday, 22 March 2012

Leaving London: Road Trip USA

Leaving London: Road Trip USA Review

Leaving London: Road Trip USA Overview

The sudden break up with girlfriend Emily Willow finds Simon Raven, ex-amateur rock God and bored internet producer, on a Boeing 747 bound for Seattle. Led by his twin brother, Chris, who is more than happy to exchange a career in fashion photography for the open road, they embark on a buttock-clenching journey of paranoia and self-doubt, as they traverse Interstate Highway 15 through backcountry America.

Along the way our hapless heroes bumble through bear infested wilderness, meet the eccentric and plain weird on the American freeway, escape a bullwhip wielding maniac in Montana and survive the evils of Las Vegas. Testing their friendship to the limit as they battle to reach their nirvana, which exists in the form of the bikini beaches of California, the brothers find inspiration on a journey that exposes the stark truth about work and relationships and which asks the question - what do you really want to do with your life?

Poignant, candid and true, Leaving London is honestly written and hilariously funny.

Leaving London: Road Trip USA Specifications

The sudden break up with girlfriend Emily Willow finds Simon Raven, ex-amateur rock God and bored internet producer, on a Boeing 747 bound for Seattle. Led by his twin brother, Chris, who is more than happy to exchange a career in fashion photography for the open road, they embark on a buttock-clenching journey of paranoia and self-doubt, as they traverse Interstate Highway 15 through backcountry America.

Along the way our hapless heroes bumble through bear infested wilderness, meet the eccentric and plain weird on the American freeway, escape a bullwhip wielding maniac in Montana and survive the evils of Las Vegas. Testing their friendship to the limit as they battle to reach their nirvana, which exists in the form of the bikini beaches of California, the brothers find inspiration on a journey that exposes the stark truth about work and relationships and which asks the question - what do you really want to do with your life?

Poignant, candid and true, Leaving London is honestly written and hilariously funny.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 23, 2012 04:02:07

Recommend : Filters Electronics Store

Monday, 19 March 2012

Lonely Planet USA & Canada on a Shoestring

Lonely Planet USA & Canada on a Shoestring Review

Lonely Planet USA & Canada on a Shoestring Overview

Travel-tested tips from an experienced team of 11 intrepid authors give extensive coverage of national parks, adventure travel, and outdoor activities. of color photos. 90 maps.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 20, 2012 05:08:17

Visit : Laptop Netbook Store

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Michelin Green Guide USA East

Michelin Green Guide USA East Review

Michelin Green Guide USA East Overview

To really discover the diverse, rich culture and history of USA East, choose the fully updated Green Guide. Explore the Appalachian Trail, whale watch in New England, enjoy a New York Nicks' basketball game. Address books for each area highlight the finest spicy Cajun cooking in New Orleans, Chicago's specialty hot dogs, quaint B&Bs in Cape Cod, and camping in the Adirondacks. However long your stay, whatever your budget, with its maps, illustrations and suggested driving tours, Green Guide USA East covers it all.  Use with Michelin USA Map 761.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 17, 2012 14:29:09

Visit : Sony Memory Cards digital camera Book Store Photo Studio

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Lonely Planet Western USA (Regional Guide)

Lonely Planet Western USA (Regional Guide) Review

Lonely Planet Western USA (Regional Guide) Overview

“Lush forests in the Pacific Northwest. Sun-kissed beaches in California. Leafy single-track trails in the Rockies. Crimson buttes and hoodoos in Utah. There’s a landscape for every mood and adventure.” – Amy C Balfour, Lonely Planet Writer

Our Promise

You can trust our travel information because Lonely Planet authors visit the places we write about, each and every edition. We never accept freebies for positive coverage so you can rely on us to tell it like it is.

This Book Includes…

California, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada

Inspirational photos
Clear, easy-to-use maps
Easy-to-read layout
Route 66 & Scenic Drives
In-Depth background
At-a-glance practical info

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 14, 2012 20:10:10

Visit : Cheap ASUS

Friday, 9 March 2012

Rand Mcnally 2013 Road Atlas: Large Scale (Rand Mcnally Large Scale Road Atlas USA)

Rand Mcnally 2013 Road Atlas: Large Scale (Rand Mcnally Large Scale Road Atlas USA) Review

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 09, 2012 16:18:15

Friends Link : Flip Video Tripod Accessories

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Map of Miami, USA (Maps of the USA)

Map of Miami, USA (Maps of the USA) Review

Map of Miami, USA (Maps of the USA) Overview

Place: Miami
Country: United States
Map type: City Map for download to an ebook reader.
More information: The eBook with the map contains index of streets (hypertext).

Welcome to the hot and happening City of Miami, with its rich mix of cultures, gorgeous beaches and great things to do for every member of the family. Located at the very southern tip of the ultimate vacation destination, the State of Florida, Miami is known for its sultry weather, tempered by ocean breezes and a semi-tropical sun responsible for many a deep Miami tan.

Miami, Florida is home to the famous 'city within the city' of upscale Miami Beach. In recent years, the region of Miami Beach known as South Beach has become a hot Spring Break vacation destination with a well-earned reputation for hot bodies, outrageous night clubs, and the best party scene in Miami Dade County!

Other notable points-of-interest in this special city include the Miami MetroZoo (one of the best zoos in America), Parrot Jungle Island and its incredible collection of wildlife, and the Vizcaya estate, a European-style mansion offering a glimpse at life in turn-of-the-century South Florida.

1. Little Havana, the famous Cuban neighborhood of Miami, was entered into the Guinness Book of World Records in March of 1988 when 119,986 dancers formed the longest-ever Conga Line!
2. A White Christmas may be out of the question in this Florida town, but on January 20th, 1977 it snowed in Miami for the first and only time in the City's recorded history.
3. Miami, Florida is statistically the most likely city in the world to be hit by a hurricane. Its location between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean area of the Atlantic Ocean puts it at the top of the storm list, followed closely by Nassau, Bahamas and Havana, Cuba.

Little Havana
Hand-rolled cigars, herbal stores, fruiterias and cafecitos are all part of the Little Havana, Miami experience. The easy walk from downtown Miami's art deco district leads visitors to an authentic old-time Cuban experience.

Calle Ocho is famed for its fine Cuban dining. In Domino Park, the Cuban men take their national pastime of dominos playing very seriously. Statues to Cuban heroes and a Walk of Fame dedicated to Latino stars showcase the pride of Little Havana residents.

Miami Seaquarium
The Miami Seaquarium is a world class aquarium that's a great stop for Miami family vacations. The Dolphin Encounter program is one of their most popular attractions. Participants first learn about interaction with these intelligent and gentle mammals, then it's time to get into the magic of hugging, touching and swimming with dolphins.

Enjoy 38 acres of tropical Florida paradise and animal exhibits such as Killer Whales, Sea Turtles, Manatees and schools of tropical fish.

Edward Leedskalnin's Coral Castle
The Coral Castle is just outside Miami, Florida in the town of Homestead. Coral Castle, opened to the public in 1928, is a testament to Edward Leedskalnin's unrequited and obsessive love for a young lady named Agnes.

The grounds include the main house, fountains and monuments, which were built from coral rock on the property over a period of 28 years. The unique architecture of this labor of love is a must-see attraction on your Miami vacation.

Map of Miami, USA (Maps of the USA) Specifications

Place: Miami
Country: United States
Map type: City Map for download to an ebook reader.
More information: The eBook with the map contains index of streets (hypertext).

Welcome to the hot and happening City of Miami, with its rich mix of cultures, gorgeous beaches and great things to do for every member of the family. Located at the very southern tip of the ultimate vacation destination, the State of Florida, Miami is known for its sultry weather, tempered by ocean breezes and a semi-tropical sun responsible for many a deep Miami tan.

Miami, Florida is home to the famous 'city within the city' of upscale Miami Beach. In recent years, the region of Miami Beach known as South Beach has become a hot Spring Break vacation destination with a well-earned reputation for hot bodies, outrageous night clubs, and the best party scene in Miami Dade County!

Other notable points-of-interest in this special city include the Miami MetroZoo (one of the best zoos in America), Parrot Jungle Island and its incredible collection of wildlife, and the Vizcaya estate, a European-style mansion offering a glimpse at life in turn-of-the-century South Florida.

1. Little Havana, the famous Cuban neighborhood of Miami, was entered into the Guinness Book of World Records in March of 1988 when 119,986 dancers formed the longest-ever Conga Line!
2. A White Christmas may be out of the question in this Florida town, but on January 20th, 1977 it snowed in Miami for the first and only time in the City's recorded history.
3. Miami, Florida is statistically the most likely city in the world to be hit by a hurricane. Its location between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean area of the Atlantic Ocean puts it at the top of the storm list, followed closely by Nassau, Bahamas and Havana, Cuba.

Little Havana
Hand-rolled cigars, herbal stores, fruiterias and cafecitos are all part of the Little Havana, Miami experience. The easy walk from downtown Miami's art deco district leads visitors to an authentic old-time Cuban experience.

Calle Ocho is famed for its fine Cuban dining. In Domino Park, the Cuban men take their national pastime of dominos playing very seriously. Statues to Cuban heroes and a Walk of Fame dedicated to Latino stars showcase the pride of Little Havana residents.

Miami Seaquarium
The Miami Seaquarium is a world class aquarium that's a great stop for Miami family vacations. The Dolphin Encounter program is one of their most popular attractions. Participants first learn about interaction with these intelligent and gentle mammals, then it's time to get into the magic of hugging, touching and swimming with dolphins.

Enjoy 38 acres of tropical Florida paradise and animal exhibits such as Killer Whales, Sea Turtles, Manatees and schools of tropical fish.

Edward Leedskalnin's Coral Castle
The Coral Castle is just outside Miami, Florida in the town of Homestead. Coral Castle, opened to the public in 1928, is a testament to Edward Leedskalnin's unrequited and obsessive love for a young lady named Agnes.

The grounds include the main house, fountains and monuments, which were built from coral rock on the property over a period of 28 years. The unique architecture of this labor of love is a must-see attraction on your Miami vacation.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 06, 2012 23:34:14

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Saturday, 3 March 2012

EUROPE E-CALENDAR 18 Months Bonus (USA and Canada) 2012-11

EUROPE E-CALENDAR 18 Months Bonus (USA and Canada) 2012-11 Review

EUROPE E-CALENDAR 18 Months Bonus (USA and Canada) 2012-11 Overview

18 Months Bonus
(USA and Canada) 2012-11
Author/Designer Diana L. Neiderhiser

May work best with (Kindle for PC)
or PDF. 2 Versions. Both (USA and Canada)
(and) (UK and Ireland) versions.

Europe with Quotes
Includes USA and Canada holidays.
Includes Seasons plus a Moons page.
Also includes an Address and Phone
Page, a Weekly and Monthly Planner
and List and Note pages (For Printing).

Author Diana L. Neiderhiser
writes Calendars, Greetings,
and (Simple Little Mini Books)
about wisdom, inspiration,
natural beauty, health and
comforting and encouraging
thoughts of Love and Hope.

EUROPE E-CALENDAR 18 Months Bonus (USA and Canada) 2012-11 Specifications

18 Months Bonus
(USA and Canada) 2012-11
Author/Designer Diana L. Neiderhiser

May work best with (Kindle for PC)
or PDF. 2 Versions. Both (USA and Canada)
(and) (UK and Ireland) versions.

Europe with Quotes
Includes USA and Canada holidays.
Includes Seasons plus a Moons page.
Also includes an Address and Phone
Page, a Weekly and Monthly Planner
and List and Note pages (For Printing).

Author Diana L. Neiderhiser
writes Calendars, Greetings,
and (Simple Little Mini Books)
about wisdom, inspiration,
natural beauty, health and
comforting and encouraging
thoughts of Love and Hope.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 04, 2012 07:11:10

Recommend : PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 Xbox 360 Wii Store